I’m A Flickaholic

Michael Osciak

I go to the movies alone at least once a week and I am Zac Efron's biggest fan. Each day, I try to watch one movie that I have never seen before. I embarrass my wife with my love for movies but seeing how she has only seen like ten movies, which one of us should be embarrassed?

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11 Responses

  1. “if Tiger Woods can have a fake addiction” WOAH. Hold on a second. Last time I checked, sex addiction is a real thing. If you meant to imply that Tiger Woods is faking it, you should know that it came across as disbelief that it exists at all. A whole lot of experts and sufferers will disagree with you on that point.

    Further, I might have missed it, but you never seem to qualify Flickchart as an ‘addiction’. You put it forward as just a strong interest, even an obsession. I know this is supposed to be tongue in cheek, but it really bothers me that you both disregard real addictions and claim (without basis) your own addiction.

    I really hope the rest of the Flickchart Users series isn’t more hurr-hurring about ‘addiction’. Get creative, guys. I almost applied for this series in order to do some articles comparing movies to their literary equivalents, but then figured someone more qualified (and with more free time) would apply. After reading this first entry, I’m suddenly not so sure.

  2. Nathan Chase says:

    Hey Fekket,

    We’d be glad to have you submit your ideas for upcoming articles. We’re hoping to have a mix of serious, humorous, insightful, personal, and intellectual subjects and tones for the series – so while some of the message and style of this post may have not been appealing to you, you may find posts from other users in the future more in line with what you’re looking forward to reading.

    Thanks for your feedback, and again, please do email us if you have some thoughts of your own for an article. We’re eager to hear from all types of users and how movies – and Flickchart – affect all of them in their own unique ways.

  3. Thom says:

    Did this guy just imply that Paul Haggis’s self-congratulating crap-fest Crash was better than David Cronenberg’s masterpiece of the same name? For shame, sir. For shame.
    Even if you’re one of the many who doesn’t see the brilliance of the Cronenberg film, the Haggis one is obviously inferior, even to Matrix Reloaded, terrible as that sequel may be.
    I know it’s not fair to judge people based on their taste in movies, but I just lost any respect I may have had for, guy I’ve never met.

  4. @Thom: I enjoyed Happy Feet (with the penguins) more than any Cronenberg movie I’ve ever seen. Heck, I only lasted a few minutes into A History of Violence (Moms as Cheerleaders creeps me out) and Naked Lunch (which tasted of ‘stupid for stupid’s sake). To be fair, though, I haven’t seen The Fly or Scanners, which I’ve heard are very good.

    Welcome to the internet.

  5. Michael Osciak says:

    I have seen both Crashes that I have mentioned and I just didn’t care for your Crash. I find Haggis’ Crash enjoyable even though it is overrated. If you have any other suggestions for movies to see, I would love to hear them as I’m always looking for new movies to see. I’ll put that other Crash on my Netflix and maybe after a second viewing, I’ll enjoy it more then I did the first time.

    Isn’t that the best part about movies? Every movie means something different to everyone who sees it. I have a friend who claims that Waterworld is Costner’s best film. Do I think he’s nuts? Of course I do but I respect him for standing by his opinion.

  6. @Fekket: Haha, while I don’t know what all our contributors have planned for the series, I’m with you in hoping it’s not going to be a roundtable discussion about addiction.

    The forewords of books, the first letter from a new editor of a magazine, the first post on a new blog — these things often launch with a background story, a context, a statement of purpose, an explanation of self as the opening volley. Consider this Michael’s, or even the entire series’. And might I just say, well done, Michael. :)

    Going forward, we’ll be seeing articles delving into both obvious and esoteric film topics and touching on the crossroads of flicks and Flickchart.

    It sounds like you have some great ideas yourself that I’d love to see written up… if we can convince you! The literature-to-film translation is something I’ve always been piqued by.

  7. @Thom: Please be careful when throwing around language implying or stating outright that The Matrix Reloaded is better than another movie. That’s dangerous talk.

  8. Nathan Chase says:

    Even though I’m the co-founder, I still find it pretty enlightening (and a little exciting) every time I watch a movie now that I have the ability to go rank it, find out where it should comparatively end up on my list, and have another movie to add to my total count. I’m nowhere near your now 170,000+ rankings, but I still really enjoy the utility of what we’ve built. It makes me even happier to hear others are getting the same enjoyment out of it as we are.

  9. clintrizzo says:

    Two weeks ago I discovered this site, thanks to TRS. For better or worse, I am now a fellow addict.

    Good to know I’m not alone though. :)

  1. February 23, 2010

    […] I’m A Flickaholic […]

  2. October 29, 2010

    […] turned into our User Showcase. It features some really talented writers detailing topics like the addiction of Flickchart, to the tumultuousness of your Top 20′s, to the enlightenment that might be reached from […]