Matchups Galore on The Totally Rad Show’s “VS.”!

Nathan Chase

Nathan Chase is a co-founder and the designer of Flickchart. He's also a multimedia designer & developer living in central Florida, an online culture and social networking enthusiast, a proud father, an avid PC gamer, an incessant movie watcher, known for an eclectic musical taste, and often writing and performing music - on the drums, guitar, piano, or computer. You can find Nathan on Flickchart as Zampa, and email him at

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1 Response

  1. October 29, 2011

    […] Is Cars 2 another finely-tuned Pixar machine, or does it break down before the finish? Pixar has had an incredible track record with sequels, managing to create films that recapture the magic of the original, without retreading old ground. But the first Cars may have been their most formulaic film to date. Can its sequel resist sequel-itis? Alex, Dan, and Jeff buckle up and take a lap around Cars 2. Be sure to check back tomorrow for our take on the first season of Game of Thrones! Is Cars 2 another finely-tuned Pixar machine, or does it break down before the finish? Pixar has ha…e"> […]