New Movies Streaming on Netflix Instant Watch: Sept 19th – 25th

Dan Rohr

Dan lives for five things: Movies, Jazz Rap, Statistics, Chili, and his family who have no idea how huge a nerd he really is. Like almost everybody else on this page, he has a job dealing with computer/internet-y things for a company he helped start after college. You can find him on Flickchart as espin39.  

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1 Response

  1. Nathaniel Richmond says:

    Streaming movies is easy and very convenient for me and I use to use Netflix service to stream and rent discs by mail before they split the two services up and did their price increase(needless to say this was the reason why I switched). The DISH co-worker told me that DISH was now offering a new movie streaming platform for their customers called Blockbuster@Home package. This allows me to rent one disc at a time by mail and this covers TV shows, movies, games and blu-rays. Blu-rays are at no additional charge unlike with Netflix and they carry the newest releases including games. Customers also receive 20 premium movie channels and you can stream 3,000 movies to your TV and 4,000 movies to your PC. This only cost $10/mo which is a really great deal that I could not pass up.